Friday, July 27, 2007


July 27, 2007 watched the movie Flightplan.

Interesting, somewhat exciting, not going to watch it again most definitely. Interesting enough that the production of plots for movies that have something to do with planes has become so difficult in the post 9/11 world. The subject is carefully tiptoed around, and the presence of a Muslim character(s) is highlighted.

However, let us return to the movie. there is not much action, and surprisingly one woman is able to defeat 2 evil doers by herself without even a scratch and without even using the power she has, superior knowledge of the plane design. There were a couple glimpses of her knowing the wiring and the access to certain areas, yet there was no obvious attempt to "play god" while the hijackers attempted to control the plane. I mean yeah the whole idea with blaming the hijacking on the insane woman that thinks she lost her daughter and getting away with $ is really smart, it does not leave room for the "god mode" plane tempering. Perhaps if the two ideas were used on two different occasions that would allow for the full exploration of the possibilities.

Speaking of exploring the possibilities to the fullest, the word on the net is "script writers will soon strike" so shouldn't the producers stretch ideas out as far as they possibly could instead of bungling a few ideas together throwing them into the blender and setting it to "liquefy". It would be much pleasant if the ideas were sampled like fine wine and not mixing in a belly of a partying college kid.

Well the rant has continued on far enough. in the end i would like to summarize, it is honestly not worth watching. It is OK to watch it on a Friday night when there is nothing else on TV and you are brain dead from the five days of work. But don't go out of your way to buy it, or illegally download it.

Thanks for reading,