Monday, March 28, 2011

“The average life span of a...

“The average life span of a transgendered person is twenty-three years. The statistic is shocking, until it begins to make sense. Gender non-conformists face routine exclusion and violence. Transgendered people are disproportionately poor, homeless, and incarcerated. Many of the systems and facilities intended to help low-income people are sex-segregated and thereby alienate those who don’t comply with state-imposed categories. A trans woman may not be able to secure a bed in a homeless shelter, for example. Spade writes that just as the feminist movement tended to “focus on gender-universalized white women’s experience as ‘women’s experience,’” the lesbian- and gay-rights movement has focused primarily on a white, middle-class politic, centered on marriage and mainstream social mores.”

Dean Spade is the first openly trans law professor. Meaghan Winter interviews him for Granta.

“100 guys got together...

“100 guys got together and ordered a pizza cut into 100 slices. The first guy took 80 slices. When someone then suggested he only take 79 slices, the first guy yelled, ‘That’s socialism!’

- Bill Maher, “Real Time with Bill Maher” on making the income gap understandable to even the Tea Baggers.