Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stephen Colbert Opening Statement

The Richest Of The Rich

“In response, President Obama is proposing legislation that would keep tax rates essentially unchanged for 98 percent of Americans but allow rates on the richest 2 percent to rise. But Republicans are threatening to block that legislation, effectively raising taxes on the middle class, unless they get tax breaks for their wealthy friends. That’s an extraordinary step. Almost everyone agrees that raising taxes on the middle class in the middle of an economic slump is a bad idea, unless the effects are offset by other job-creation programs — and Republicans are blocking those, too. So the G.O.P. is, in effect, threatening to plunge the U.S. economy back into recession unless Democrats pay up.”

- Paul Krugman

Mr. Krugman you are my hero! however, i believe that the argument 'what is better for the economy' will never be won, because those who you have to argue to and explain things to do not have even a minor grasp on how economics work. i would like to know how and why people that do not belong to the richest 2% want to vote against cutting the taxes on them. this is so strange that people that struggle day to day to make ends meet and see the richy rich (who mostly just inherited their money and didn't work hard for it) roll in gold do not get angry and say 'hey, that's not fair!' i am confused and afraid. i saw the horror of the previous 8 years, and i will be very afraid once again if the democratic majority is lost.

Kitteh & Goggie Best friends!

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