Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mimic Octopus

Good vs God fearing

“…the Tea Party position...

“…the Tea Party position is fundamentally incoherent. Most of their candidates, including Palin, are free-trade Republicans, but have remained strangely silent on the issue, because the majority of their supporters strongly favour trade barriers to protect US jobs. They claim a monopoly on patriotism, yet such is their hostility to Federal government that they scarcely seem to believe in the United States at all. And their definition of liberty is a strangely selective one. Who is less free: the person who pays a portion of his or her income in taxes to ensure decent healthcare should they fall ill, or the one who pays a portion of their income to an insurance company and, when they get cancer, are told that their cover won’t meet the cost of the chemotherapy?”

“I don’t understand this...

“I don’t understand this election and I don’t understand the electorate. I mean, this country is hurting in a way we haven’t since the Depression. People are struggling all over this country and they came out and voted for the party that says right out front that they will suspend your unemployment benefits and repeal healthcare. To go against your self-interest more, you’d have to literally go fuck yourself.”

- Bill Maher

“An historic shift is...

“An historic shift is taking place; the major western democracies are moving towards a corporatism. Democracy has become a business plan, with a bottom line for every human activity, every dream, every decency, every hope. The main parliamentary parties are now devoted to the same economic policies — socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor — and the same foreign policy of servility to endless war. This is not democracy. It is to politics what McDonalds is to food.”

“Lately I feel...

“Lately I feel like somebody made a big mess and I’ve got my mop and I’m mopping the floor and the folks who made the mess are there (saying) ‘You’re not mopping fast enough. You’re not mopping the right way. It’s a socialist mop.’”

- Barack Obama

you know i get pissed off and angry at him and frustrated and i feel powerless, and then i listen to him speak and its as if is all right with the world. i just really hope that all that good happy feeling is not empty and for nothing.....

“In his Senate victory speech...

“In his Senate victory speech, Republican megastar Marco Rubio announced that “America is the single greatest nation in all of human history. A place without equal in the history of all mankind” because “almost every other place in the world…what you were going to be when you grow up was determined for you.” Almost every other place in the world? From China to India to Brazil, hundreds of millions of people are rising economically in ways their parents could scarcely have imagined, in part because their governments are investing in infrastructure in the way the United States did in the late nineteenth century. The American dream of upward mobility is alive and well, just not in America. And rather than looking at what those other countries are doing right, the Republicans have taken refuge in an anti-government ideology premised on the lunatic notion that America is the only truly free and successful country in the world.”

Feel good site....

What The Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?