Thursday, August 16, 2007


You know, this is bullshit. So often do you hear of the government or corporations complaining about “hackers” breaking into their systems and causing problems and yet when they are told right in their face what they need to do to keep people out they shrug their shoulders and say that it is not responsibility to keep the systems secure. I am sorry but if they are going to demand personal date from me, such as the data stored on the RFID chips, I want them to be responsible for every drop of that information that their insecure system leak to anywhere else. I want to be able to drag their behinds to a court and sue them for every penny they own because they did not do what they were suppose to do.

And now what I head is that not only are the RFID chips a security risk but also the voting machines are not as secure as they are suppose to be. You know if you can’t build a damn secure system than give me a wooden box that is nailed shut, I’ll take stat security over what they have to offer now any day. How can we call ourselves a country with democracy (by the way for those who do not know we are not a democracy we are a representative republic) when the very basis of it, free elections, are not protected.

What are they doing with my tax money?? Why are they saying that the spending of the $$ on this “new and improved and super secure something something” is reasonable when a kid who knows how to use a USB port can rip the whole system to shreds. They need to be putting my money to better use, such as paying the education of that kid who knows how to use the USB port because obviously he already knows how to build a more secure system than the one built by “professionals”.

Expect more ranting on the subject, I intend to follow this topic a little bit further.


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