Monday, December 27, 2010

“Republicans generally describe themselves as “conservatives...

“Republicans generally describe themselves as “conservatives,” but they haven’t been truly conservative for decades. Republicans want to conserve some things they like and don’t want to conserve other things they don’t like. So the term “conservative” - which suggests a general predisposition to conserve things as they are - doesn't fit. It doesn’t explain what they want to conserve and what they don’t. Look at their record: Republicans don’t want to conserve the environment - they want to allow corporations to consume (the opposite of conserve) natural resources to enhance short-term corporate profits. They want to dismantle - not conserve - the social contract that has bound Americans together for the past 70 years in the form of Social Security, public education, publicly built highways, unemployment insurance, sound regulation of the financial system, and the economic safety net for poor Americans. They don’t want to conserve the balanced, progressive tax system that has made possible the American Dream for middle-class Americans and distinguished us from third-world countries run by economic elites. Most significantly, they favor a radical restructuring of the relationship between the rights of corporations and the rights of actual human beings, that would astonish the founding fathers, who viewed corporations as a narrow legal construct designed to raise capital for building canals, not an out-of-control leviathan spending multi-millions to buy elections.”

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Страсная: не здороваемся почему? я что, добавлялась чтоб молчать?
Чарк-in: вы знаете, я вначале думал - у Вас в нике опечатка, но когда фотки посмотрел, понял, что Вы еще и шепелявая

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

1: помнишь, я у местных гопов парнишку избитого выкупила за полтинник? пожалела, дура!
2: почему дура-то?
1: они ко мне вторую неделю ходят как на работу. приносят парней, предлагают купить. и говорят: не стесняйся! не нравится этот, скажи - другого принесем (

Я вертел так работать. Работаю в транспортной компании. Есть заказ на импорт от постоянного клиента, которого не хотелось бы подводить. Своих свободных машин нет. Заказ - везти презервативы. Из Чешкого города Pisek. Я больше морально не могу обзванивать потенциальных перевозчиков и деловым тоном узнавать, нет ли у них свободных машин под презервативы из города Писек....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Anthony Weiner

i LOVE this man! you sir are my HERO!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i: Около универа, где что-то вроде шлагбаумов, стоял джип тонированный, выходит охранник из универа, подходит к нему и пинает по колесу - опускается окно, высовывается рука с тряпкой, охранник берет ее и вытирает колесо : )

Friday, December 10, 2010

Di Halt:
Так. Кот, похоже, освоил принтер. Этот засранец наловчился жать кнопку тестовой печати, а потом, довольный, дрыхнет на разогретом агрегате.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Maxim1905: День добрый! У меня вопрос можно Легенду подключить в ноутбуку через блютус и писать инет через нее через GPRS? Кто нибудь пробовать, есть такая возможность?

ska_romash: Пока читать сообщение твоё, моя обрезать орган мозг и топтать и топтать его, пока читать ваша сообщение ещё раз.

ska_romash: Простите, не выдержал.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Above Everything Else - CGI

[OZK]ne4eHbKo: Хотели бы вы с криком "ЭТО СПАРТААААА" пнуть того, кто мешает вам выйти из автобуса? :D

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

They are coming to get us!!!!!

what i want to know is why does the mother of all that is in the galaxy need plastic surgery on her bust and her nose? do the aliens not like silicone? oh wait she is an alien too!! don't test her!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

George Takei

Мефодий: Алинка полезла в кладовку и пролила банку клея на комплект для подводного плавания
Мефодий: сидит, ржёт: "я склеила ласты!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kitty Surprise

A Chipmunk Morning :)

“Ritual Humiliation Scanners”

“Ritual Humiliation Scanners”

I have found the submissiveness and docility of the American people in the face of the state’s pointless molestation incredibly discouraging. I think this is one of those subjects that demands we step back, take a deep breath, and consider with a clear mind just how phenomenally idiotic the government’s policy of increasingly invasive degradation really is. Law-abiding travellers, who pose approximately zero risk of terrorism, and offer no ground for reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing, must run this gauntlet of abasement because airplanes were once made the instrument of mass death. The odds of being a victim of terrorism on a flight are approximately 1 in 10,408,947—rather less than the 1 in 500,000 odds of getting killed by lightning.

But nope. Who cares? Doesn’t matter! Instead the government ramps up their time-consuming campaign of harassment. Is the idea that if we are not made to feel ashamed, we will not be made to feel safe? I can’t figure it out. The TSA is like my dog. Once he spied a rabbit by a tree in our yard as we came in the back gate. Now, whenever we come through that gate, he freezes and stares bullets at the spot by the birch where a bunny once sat. To a first approximation, there is never a rabbit there, and any special effort devoted to detecting one there is wasted. I have tried to explain this to Winston. But the poor dog, a genius of premature inductive inference, just won’t believe me. I find this a little annoying, but he’s a dog, it only takes a second, and he doesn’t fondle my upper thigh.”

"America Is Like....

“America is like a dog. I’m sorry, but it is. It cannot understand actual words. It understands inflection, it understands fear, but you can’t actually explain issues to a dog.”

- Bill Maher

i have recently watched his movie Religilous, and while in the very beginning i thought he was being very harsh and unfair in the end i came to the conclusion that 1. he has the right to be the way he is 2. he has the right to be aggressive and borderline insulting because being nice does not keep the crazies from being insulting and aggressive. i guess with time i realize you can not be nice. you can not just take the punches because the people that think it is alright to punch you in the first place will not recognize the nobility of pacifism. i enjoy listening to him even though sometimes his words make me cringe. and its hard to know why the make me cringe. is it because i do not agree with him? or is it because he says something i do not have the nerve to even think? or maybe he is completely wrong and we are all going to hell because of it =D

FSM Preach group

i applaud you! my uni had a group of hate spewers, but back then in the day i was not yet touched by the noodly appendage and thus did not posses the courage to challenge the confused and misguided souls!

Why I Love Mr. Krugman

“Oh, and they’re talking about raising the retirement age, because people live longer — except that the people who really depend on Social Security, those in the bottom half of the distribution, aren’t living much longer. So you’re going to tell janitors to work until they’re 70 because lawyers are living longer than ever.”

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Minimum Wage Machine

The minimum wage machine allows anybody to work for minimum wage. Turning the crank will yield one penny every 5.04 seconds, for $7.15 an hour (NY state minimum wage). If the participant stops turning the crank, they stop receiving money. The machine's mechanism and electronics are powered by the hand crank, and pennies are stored in a plexiglas box. Original HERE.

The 100 Best Signs At The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear

I wish i was there, i really do, but i got close and gave it my best try and thats what counts ^.^

Too… Much… Coffee

The Assumption Song

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tax Cuts

xxx: Мда, прогресс шагнул далеко.
xxx: В доме выключили свет и приходится читать электронную книгу при свете свечи.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rand Paul lives in a dream world...

"PAUL: I would say that they must be in favor of a second American depression, because if you raise taxes to that consequence, that’s what will happen in this country. Raising taxes in the midst of a recession would be a disaster for our economy. And anybody who proposes such a policy really is, I think, unfit to be making decisions.

BLITZER: What if they just raised taxes on the richest, those making more than 250,000 dollars a year?

PAUL: Well, the thing is, we’re all interconnected. There are no rich. There are no middle class. There are no poor. We all are interconnected in the economy. You remember a few years ago, when they tried to tax the yachts, that didn’t work. You know who lost their jobs? The people making the boats, the guys making 50,000 and 60,000 dollars a year lost their jobs. We all either work for rich people or we sell stuff to rich people. So just punishing rich people is as bad for the economy as punishing anyone. Let’s not punish anyone. Let’s keep taxes low and let’s cut spending."

--Rand Paul

Is this what Beck is trying to achieve?

"What happened later with Charlie is something I think I can understand. He became basically housebound due to illness and his small world became even smaller. His brother got him a computer and he was able to stay connected with family. And he watched television and found Glenn Beck… I found Glenn Beck about the same time Charlie did. I understand how his fears were grown and fostered by Mr. Beck’s persuasive personality. The same thing happened to me but I went in a different direction with what I was seeing. Rather than blame politicians for the current issues, I simply got prepared for what Glenn said was coming. I slowly filled our pantry as Glenn fed fear into me. I did not miss watching his show and could not understand why the rest of the world didn’t get it — Glenn became a pariah to me. But I was finally able to step away and realize the error of my ways. The media lost its grip on me. But it still held very tightly to Charlie.

While his actions were undeniably wrong and his choices were terrible, in part they were the actions of others played out by a very gullible Charlie. He was under the spell that Glenn Beck cast, aided by the turbulent times in our economy. I don’t believe that Charlie even had the ability to actually carry out his threats."

Full story Here

Be very afraid....

McDonald's Tyranny

Full story here. Very much worth the read, also the comments. I would really like to see some sort of a penalty for this. So far there has only been an apology but i believe there should be probation or a large enough fine to discourage such actions in the future. The right to vote is pretty much the only right a lot of people have. They are walked all over by corporations and at times by the government and now they can not even vote as they would like to? This is soooooo in the realm of tyranny it stops registering on the reality scale.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mimic Octopus

Good vs God fearing

“…the Tea Party position...

“…the Tea Party position is fundamentally incoherent. Most of their candidates, including Palin, are free-trade Republicans, but have remained strangely silent on the issue, because the majority of their supporters strongly favour trade barriers to protect US jobs. They claim a monopoly on patriotism, yet such is their hostility to Federal government that they scarcely seem to believe in the United States at all. And their definition of liberty is a strangely selective one. Who is less free: the person who pays a portion of his or her income in taxes to ensure decent healthcare should they fall ill, or the one who pays a portion of their income to an insurance company and, when they get cancer, are told that their cover won’t meet the cost of the chemotherapy?”

“I don’t understand this...

“I don’t understand this election and I don’t understand the electorate. I mean, this country is hurting in a way we haven’t since the Depression. People are struggling all over this country and they came out and voted for the party that says right out front that they will suspend your unemployment benefits and repeal healthcare. To go against your self-interest more, you’d have to literally go fuck yourself.”

- Bill Maher

“An historic shift is...

“An historic shift is taking place; the major western democracies are moving towards a corporatism. Democracy has become a business plan, with a bottom line for every human activity, every dream, every decency, every hope. The main parliamentary parties are now devoted to the same economic policies — socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor — and the same foreign policy of servility to endless war. This is not democracy. It is to politics what McDonalds is to food.”

“Lately I feel...

“Lately I feel like somebody made a big mess and I’ve got my mop and I’m mopping the floor and the folks who made the mess are there (saying) ‘You’re not mopping fast enough. You’re not mopping the right way. It’s a socialist mop.’”

- Barack Obama

you know i get pissed off and angry at him and frustrated and i feel powerless, and then i listen to him speak and its as if is all right with the world. i just really hope that all that good happy feeling is not empty and for nothing.....

“In his Senate victory speech...

“In his Senate victory speech, Republican megastar Marco Rubio announced that “America is the single greatest nation in all of human history. A place without equal in the history of all mankind” because “almost every other place in the world…what you were going to be when you grow up was determined for you.” Almost every other place in the world? From China to India to Brazil, hundreds of millions of people are rising economically in ways their parents could scarcely have imagined, in part because their governments are investing in infrastructure in the way the United States did in the late nineteenth century. The American dream of upward mobility is alive and well, just not in America. And rather than looking at what those other countries are doing right, the Republicans have taken refuge in an anti-government ideology premised on the lunatic notion that America is the only truly free and successful country in the world.”

Feel good site....

What The Fuck Has Obama Done So Far?

Monday, November 8, 2010

ххх: это эпик. просто.
ххх: сегодня девушка с огромными metroвскими пакетами зашла в автобус, кругом все места заняты, причём сидят одни мужики. уступить ей никто не собирался. оглянулась так и громко, с характерным тяжким вздохом, произнесла: "я смотрю, у нас тут чисто женская компания собралась".
ххх: мест освободилось штук восемь

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Republicans...

“The Republicans are on a roll, or so the conventional wisdom goes. The American public, with the memory of a kicked dog, is ready to re-entrust power to the Party that Wrecked America. It certainly has the eye-candy for horny white male voters, such as the comely-but-stupid Christine O’Donnell and the leggy half-term Gov. Palin. It has billions of dollars thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling on corporate campaign spending (corporations are people, you see, except when they break the law). And it has issues: Gays and Muslims are taking over the country, along with Obama’s “socialism” — such as the big giveaway to the for-profit health-care sector, the rescue of the casino on Wall Street and continued funding of the for-profit national security economy. Issues such as that the Constitution is sacrosanct, with its mandated theocracy, that evolution is a “theory” (like gravity) and should not be taught, that stem-cell research is, like all science, of the devil and we should just incinerate all those embryos, that tax cuts and no regulation will solve every ill, that brown people cutting your lawn are the biggest threat to American civilization. America has become like Arizona: Ignorant, fearful, disconnected from and hostile to the commons, inordinately dependent on gub’ment dollars even as it rails against gub’ment. And, most of all, locked in a clueless feedback loop trying to avoid reality.”


“I value political liberty and political rights (freedom of thought, speech, conscience, and the press, the right to vote, civil equality) more highly than economic liberty and economic rights (property rights, freedom of enterprise, freedom from want, economic equality). I’m in favor of progressive taxation and generous public provision of education, pensions, and health care. I think people should have enough to eat and a roof over their heads, even if they haven’t done much to deserve it. I reject the idea that the market is the singular bedrock of society while everything else is a parasitical growth. I want government to do something about environmental degradation and gross social and economic inequality. I’m a secularist and a supporter of equal rights for women and gays. And when it comes to wanting World Peace, I’m practically a Miss America contestant. So I’m a liberal.”

- Hendrik Hertzberg

The Tea Party

“The Tea Partiers belong to a different tradition—a tradition of divisive fundamentalism. Like other fundamentalists, they seek refuge from the complexity and confusion of modern life in the comforting embrace of an authoritarian scripture [the Constitution] and the imagined past it supposedly represents. Like other fundamentalists, they see in their good book only what they want to see: confirmation of their preexisting beliefs. Like other fundamentalists, they don’t sweat the details, and they ignore all ambiguities. And like other fundamentalists, they make enemies or evildoers of those who disagree with their doctrine….We are moral, you are not; we represent America, you do not. Theirs is the rallying cry of culture war.”

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Жалоба на форуме одной мморпг:
Не пускает в игру! Я захожу в игру ввожу логин и пароль! Появляется какое то соглашение! Я его усердно читаю и понимаю, что оно не выгодное! Нажимаю не согласиться конечно, но после этого окошко с игрой закрывается! Помогите! Как поиграть в эту игру?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

David Coates

“If conservatives think that poverty and social injustice can be solved without government help, and that economic recovery requires only tax cuts and welfare reform, we should invite them to try it on a personal basis. We should invite them to settle in a run-down part of some northern city, deny themselves education, good social contacts and subsidized housing, take on the care of two or three small children and face a job market of unskilled low-paid work. Then we should invite them to go live the American Dream; and if they find that they cannot, then we should also invite them to admit that what they cannot do, others cannot be expected to do either. We should invite them to recognize that circumstances make people as well as people make circumstances, and that if we want people to prosper we must act on their circumstances also. The flourishing of individual rights, so important to American conservatives, requires equal starting points.”

- Answering Back: Liberal Responses to Conservative Arguments by David Coates

Creature Combat IV: Slaughter House

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


STFU, Conservatives

I don’t understand why so many people seem to think that Obama should have changed everything bad that ever happened in America EVER as soon as he stepped foot into the White House. I mean, it took Harry Potter 7 years to kill Voldemort and that dude had magic. Magic! Obama only has Joe Biden. Shit takes time.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Japanese Konbini Store song

Windows 89 & XP Music

JibJab Barack Obama

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Радио-викторина. Ведущая:
- Итак, повторяю наш вопрос: "чем их больше, тем вес меньше". И, уважаемые радиослушатели, пожалуйста, не присылайте больше вариант "глисты", это неправильный ответ...

Singing Husky

DJ Steve Porter featuring Vince Offer - "Slap Chop Rap"

Friday, October 8, 2010

Переписка по корпоративной почте в одной крупной фирме.

Секретарь Настя: Уважаемые сотрудники! У нашего коллеги Михаила в понедельник день рождения, давайте скинемся ему на подарок! )))) Идеи подарков также приветствуются. Деньги приносить мне.
Андрей: Настя, добрый день. Насколько я знаю, Михаил интересуется спортивными автомобилями. Предлагаю сброситься на Enzo, такой у него ещё нету.
Секретарь Настя: Андрей, Идея отличная! Я правда в машинках не разбираюсь, но раз Вы советуете, то я согласна ))) Коллеги, нас в отделе 28 человек, если мы скинемся всего по 40 тысяч долларов, должно хватить.
Иван: Друзья, Я с Мишей знаком не первый год, в его автопарке уже есть два Ferrari, вряд ли ему будет приятно получить третью. С другой стороны, у него есть маленькая дочь. Можем придумать что-то для неё, например Диснейленд.
Секретарь Настя: Иван, вы знаете, я проверила, купить самый маленький дешевый Диснейленд в Новом Орлеане стоит от $7,000,000. Скинуться по триста тысяч долларов сейчас мы, конечно, можем, но до зарплаты осталось всего несколько дней, и не у всех есть такая карманная мелочь. Предлагаю, всё-таки, остановиться на машинке.
Начальник: Хватит сотрудников баловать. Михаил - это тот новый уборщик? Подарите ему, как обычно, квартиру на Садовом и хватит. Конец обсуждения, работать.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

rastazom: шел с твоим лаптем (чинить), задумался, ничего не замечаю вокруг. Тут нападают на меня промоутеры билайна
rastazom: "дешевый тариф", все дела, возьмите буклет
rastazom: я на автомате "А вы знаете, что христос вас любит?" и лезу в твой пакет, щас, говорю, я вам буклеты дам
rastazom: они в затупе смотрят на меня. я говорю: "да шучу, шучу... никто вас, блять, не любит"

Monday, October 4, 2010

The God: тебя чо-та опять вынесло?
Alena: у нас проблема с нетом
The God: иииии вынооосят меня, и выносят меня
The God: в холодный и мрачный офф-ла-а-а-айн...
The God: три белых коня, три ебучих коня
Alena: сервак, волокно и билайн

Saturday, October 2, 2010

NechtoIzPodvala: клиент: "неделю назад моя сеть переименовалась в "халявный интернет", а скорость упала в 3 раза. Что это значит, какие-то проблемы с роутером?"

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Teabagger Socialist-Free Purity Pledge

I, ______, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a
socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following:

I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.

I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public.

I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:

● Social Security
● Medicare/Medicaid
● State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)
● Police, Fire, and Emergency Services
● US Postal Service
● Roads and Highways
● Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)
● The US Railway System
● Public Subways and Metro Systems
● Public Bus and Lightrail Systems
● Rest Areas on Highways
● Sidewalks
● All Government-Funded Local/State Projects
● Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)
● Public and State Universities and Colleges
● Public Primary and Secondary Schools
● Public Museums
● Libraries
● Public Parks and Beaches
● State and National Parks
● Public Zoos
● Unemployment Insurance
● Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services
● Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)
● Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government
Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)
● Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)
● Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD’s ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking
● Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies
● Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies
● If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care

I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C. I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to:

● Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History
● The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments
● The government-operated Statue of Liberty
● The Grand Canyon
● The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials
● The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery
● All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC

I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.

I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.

I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.

I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.

Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.

Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.

_________________________ _________________________
Signed Printed Name/Town and State

“Creationists make it sound...

“Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night”

- Isaac Asimov

Sunday, September 26, 2010

STFU, Islamophobes

Original Post:

I wanted to respond to the patriotconservative post on September 25, concerning wearing of burqas. I am a woman. I consider myself an atheist/deist, not really sure at this point, but my family is orthodox. I also consider myself very feminist. Having said that, I believe that forbidding women to war burqas in public is an attack on women. As you yourself stated a woman has the right to wear whatever the hell she wants to wear, a mini skirt, men’s pants, or a dress that covers every inch of her skin. It is her right and telling her she should or should not be wearing something infringes on her rights. Forbidding the wearing of a burqa in public is not only infringing on the woman’s rights as a person to wear what she wants, but also infringes on the right of her to practice her religion. It is part of her religion to wear it and if you are going to say she cannot wear it, then ban all crosses, and all Kippahs, and Amish head coverings, and priest collars. Forbidding the wearing of a burqa is aimed specifically at women and specifically at Muslims, thus this is not an overreaction on the part of STFU, Islamaphobes. And if you want to speak of overreaction let’s see what patriotconservative has to say when the government tells him he cannot buy a grenade launcher for ‘personal’ use.

As far as security is concerned, you have addressed this, I can think of many ways of hiding one’s identity. (You can Google “Darth Vader robs _____” fill in the blank) There are also many styles of clothing one can wear to hide a number of weapons, a long skirt or a shoulder holster for example. Should we have everyone be strip searched before they enter any building? Would that be an ok level of privacy infringement for the patriotconservative?

Finally, a law that forbids wearing a burqa in public will put women at risk. If a woman cannot leave the house she cannot actively report abuse, or seek help, or seek an education, or provide for her family, and that puts her at risk. And if we are to believe patriotconservative that all Muslim men are savages then this law delivers an unprotected woman to those savages on a silver platter. Telling her that she cannot leave the house dressed in a way she considers modest is like telling her she must go naked, or that she cannot leave the house without a male accompanying her. The law makers say this will fight women oppression, while in actuality it supports it. It is a step back for the women rights movement as well as the religious freedoms the West seems to be so proud of.

I apologize for the long post, but I felt this issue needs to be addressed before it is allowed to get out of hand. And if patriotconservative would like a quote that is often used by ‘freedom fighters’ to bring it home then perhaps this will “first they came for the Jews…” well this time first they came for the Muslims, whose next?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stephen Colbert Opening Statement

The Richest Of The Rich

“In response, President Obama is proposing legislation that would keep tax rates essentially unchanged for 98 percent of Americans but allow rates on the richest 2 percent to rise. But Republicans are threatening to block that legislation, effectively raising taxes on the middle class, unless they get tax breaks for their wealthy friends. That’s an extraordinary step. Almost everyone agrees that raising taxes on the middle class in the middle of an economic slump is a bad idea, unless the effects are offset by other job-creation programs — and Republicans are blocking those, too. So the G.O.P. is, in effect, threatening to plunge the U.S. economy back into recession unless Democrats pay up.”

- Paul Krugman

Mr. Krugman you are my hero! however, i believe that the argument 'what is better for the economy' will never be won, because those who you have to argue to and explain things to do not have even a minor grasp on how economics work. i would like to know how and why people that do not belong to the richest 2% want to vote against cutting the taxes on them. this is so strange that people that struggle day to day to make ends meet and see the richy rich (who mostly just inherited their money and didn't work hard for it) roll in gold do not get angry and say 'hey, that's not fair!' i am confused and afraid. i saw the horror of the previous 8 years, and i will be very afraid once again if the democratic majority is lost.

Kitteh & Goggie Best friends!

Fetch Kitty

Friday, September 24, 2010

Цитата #408122

Что делает человек, которому нужны римские цифры? Большинство людей почему-то не знают, где они расположены на клавиатуре, поэтому печатают цифрами. Так же поступила наша секретарша, но начальник, прочитав, сказал перепечатать нормально. Погуглить никак - знаки же не печатаются! Написать Петр 1 и посмотреть в википедии сложно по причине незнания, кто это такой. Секретарша зовет меня.
На ее глазах открываю блокнот, переключаю раскладку, последовательно печатаю все римские цифры, сохраняю файл, архивирую его с паролем IVXLCDM (то есть ровно содержание файла), сообщаю ей этот пароль.
Теперь каждый раз, когда нужно напечатать римские цифры, секретарша их печатает, чтобы открыть файл, откуда она их будет копировать.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

SpongeBob Burger King

The Internet Is For P0rn (World of Warcraft)

Flat Buns Carl's Jr. Commercial

Frontline Assembly - Providence

I don't much care for the video, but the song is AMAZING.

Fine Line: Sub-Prime Decline - The Richter Scales

Tech Bubble Video

Music and Life - Alan Watts

The Original Human POLE POSITION

The Original Human TETRIS

Levi's Tainted Love

Анекдоты про Путина в исполнении Путина (KВН)

Выборы Медведева (КВН)

Right Said Fred - I`m Too Sexy (The Original)

Benny Benassi - Satisfaction

Sexist? Oh you know it is! But that doesn't mean I'm not addicted to watching it! =)

Beck - Hell Yes

Bjork - All is full of love

Ассия Ахат - Мата Хари

BANNED! you've been DENIED the most awesome video ever!

Simon's Cat 'TV Dinner'

Ricky Gervais on Atheism

If Atheists Ruled the World

Somebody in a Chicken Suit


Simon's Cat ' Hot Spot'

This is Sparta! Last techno remix

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kitteh's Impression of a Chatty Hoomin

I simply have no words......i just don't......

Cat Parkour

Beck Screams At Caller

I laughed, and I cried. This “man” has followers. People listen to this man and think he is sane. Even if he is correct in everything that he says he has no RIGHT to scream at anyone! If he has no respect he has no right to voice his opinion. Even if the caller was wrong, and I believe she could have been better prepared for the call (not that it would have helped), he is obligated to at least listen to what she has to say. As a talk show host, he has to let people talk and NOT make snooty comments in between their words. He is disrespectful in every sense of the word. And if he has no ability to properly hold an argument GET OFF MY TV AND OFF MY RADIO YOU PINHEAD!!!!

Тема: Президиум генсовета "Единой России" будет заседать с iPad. Вообще это может быть не только iPad, но все купили iPad.

xxx: При Ельцине теннисные ракетки покупали, сейчас - ипады.
Россияне, выберите уже президентом садомазохиста, поржем.

Sunday, September 12, 2010