Monday, November 15, 2010

"America Is Like....

“America is like a dog. I’m sorry, but it is. It cannot understand actual words. It understands inflection, it understands fear, but you can’t actually explain issues to a dog.”

- Bill Maher

i have recently watched his movie Religilous, and while in the very beginning i thought he was being very harsh and unfair in the end i came to the conclusion that 1. he has the right to be the way he is 2. he has the right to be aggressive and borderline insulting because being nice does not keep the crazies from being insulting and aggressive. i guess with time i realize you can not be nice. you can not just take the punches because the people that think it is alright to punch you in the first place will not recognize the nobility of pacifism. i enjoy listening to him even though sometimes his words make me cringe. and its hard to know why the make me cringe. is it because i do not agree with him? or is it because he says something i do not have the nerve to even think? or maybe he is completely wrong and we are all going to hell because of it =D

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